At the beginning of the second half of the twentieth century, Americans drove rapidly and complacently along their manicured highways. The cars were impressively large, with huge areas of sheet metal and glass. Fins of various shapes sprouted from the rear accompanied by the flowering sheen of dazzling chrome. Horsepower was rampant in the land, and the huge engines devoured fuel in insatiable gulps. Parking spaces became longer and wider, garages were remodeled, and the repair bills, though rarer, became higher when they did come. Inside these traveling living rooms, the passengers rode on soft foam rubber, surrounded by magic pushbuttons. It seemed as if we had reached the very epitome of transportation.
Suddenly a tiny speck appeared on this glittering landscape, a beetle among the butterflies. It was a very small car, so small as to be almost ludicrous. It started a new fad among the cartoonists and provided new jokes for the television comedians. This car couldn't go very fast or climb steep hills too readily, but it nearly always got to where it was going. On snow and ice, it out-drove the big cars. The gas tank took a very long time to empty, and the repairman became a stranger. This unadorned beetle-shaped little machine seated only four, was not entirely comfortable, but it was good transportation. A major innovation was the rear mounted engine and, in addition, no antifreeze was ever needed because the engine was air-cooled.
The car, of course, was the Volkswagen. It is still with us, in multiplying numbers each year. In spite of the luxury of our traveling palaces, many Americans really wanted a low-priced utility car. The little beetle started a trend which has changed the face of the American automobile industry, and opened the country to many similar imports. The American soldier, returning from the occupation in Europe, introduced us to the Volkswagen and we suddenly realized that our own cars were out-pricing themselves. The homely Volkswagen made transportation available to people who could not afford a larger machine, and has become a "second car" for families that require its convenience. It is putting thousands of Americans on wheels. This car which is fulfilling, in a sense, a great democratic concept, was the idea and political pawn of the dictator, Adolph Hitler.
It all began at the end of the summer of 1933 when Ferdinand Porsche was summoned to the Hotel Kaiserhof in Berlin for a meeting with the dictator. Porsche had an outstanding reputation as an engineer. He had been chief designer for Daimler-Benz, Auto-Union, and now had his own engineering consultation firm. In a private conference, Hitler told the engineer his plans for a car.
It should be small, perhaps a four-seater, have a good durable engine, get 40 miles to the gallon, and be air-cooled since most Germans did not have garages. In 1933, Hitler had described the modern Volkswagen! He even called it a Volkswagen - the people's car - and stipulated that it sell at a low price. Porsche then asked for an idea of the price. With laughter the dictator answered, "At any price, Herr Doktor Porsche. Any price below 1,000 Marks!"
Porsche paled. Even jokingly, this sounded like an order and he knew it was next to impossible to build a car at that price. One thousand Marks in 1933 was roughly equivalent to 250 dollars. Even Ford could not build that cheaply. After leaving, Porsche dismissed the matter as a wild whim of the iron dictator, but he did not know that Hitler intended VOLKSWAGEN to use the promise of a Volkswagen as a political device to win Germans to his regime. Mussolini made the Italian trains run on time. Hitler wanted to give the Germans a car. With such minor favors do dictators seek to cover their larger misdeeds.
Less than a year later at the opening of the Berlin International Automobile Show, Hitler, in a purple-faced, impassioned speech, promised the German public a small, low-priced car. Then Porsche received an official order to have three prototype models ready within ten months! Hitler even arranged for the various members of the German Automobile Manufacturers Society to supply some of the component parts. In effect he was ordering the entire industry to produce the car. The section of the order that still seemed impossible was the price. It was not to exceed 900 Marks. Porsche was extremely upset. He knew the cost figures of the greatest mass-produced car in the world at that time - the Ford. However, Henry Ford rarely turned out less than one million machines of a particular model, and their equivalent cost was about 2,600 Marks. But no one dared say no to the dangerous dictator, and work began.
What Hitler did not know was that Porsche had already designed and built a small car. In 1932 he had gone to NSU and produced three machines which closely resemble the modern Volkswagen. Rear engined, air-cooled, with a squared-off body, these machines were just what the dictator wanted. Porsche had had the same idea years earlier. Even the name was similar - Volksauto. But they never came near the desired production price. NSU dropped the idea. So did Porsche, that is, until Hitler came along. Resurrecting the Volksauto, he began to redesign it. It took time. Porsche had established his workshop in his own private garage and, meticulous engineer that he was, refused to rush the project. At the same time, he was building racing cars for Auto-Union and was really much more concerned with beating the Italians than satisfying Hitler's whim.
Hitler did not consider it a whim. In speech after speech he kept promising the public their Volkswagen, and behind the scenes he kept a relentless pressure on Porsche and the German Automobile Manu facturers Society. Actually Porsche was being squeezed from both sides. Hitler was not to, be denied, but the manufacturers were holding back. They did not want to participate in a project that would eventually offer them serious competition.
In 1935, Porsche visited America. He toured the General Motors, Packard, and Ford assembly lines with a stopwatch in his hand. He made notes of the specialized machine tools and body dies. It was all so different from European production methods. The American system turned out cars in great quantity, something no European had ever done. When Porsche returned he realized that German private capital could never finance this kind of operation. It would have to be done by the government.
Finally in 1936 the three prototypes were ready: After severe road tests, Porsche was satisfied and at the 1937 Automobile Show Hitler announced that production would soon start. Then his rigidly controlled state economy clamped down on iron and steel allocations to the other manufacturers. The Nazi state was taking hold with a vengeance! Robert Ley, the unpalatable head of the "Strength Through Joy" movement, was assigned to set up a factory. He ruthlessly appropriated a private estate at Wolfsburg, hired an architect, and Hitler presided at the cornerstone ceremony. Nazi financing now backed the Volkswagen project and nothing could stop it. Before the plant was finished, Porsche needed thirty models for more complete testing, and the august firm of Daimler-Benz was summarily ordered to build them. Two hundred crack Storm Troopers, under the direction of Porsche's son Ferry, tested the cars in every possible way, and in the shortest possible time. The military state brushed all delays aside. Hitler wanted his car and woe to the man or corporation that dared stand in his way!
Porsche and a production team were then sent to America to recruit American technicians for the new factory. Key engineers who could speak German were signed up, and American mass-production knowledge was ready to operate in Nazi Germany. Strangely enough, the American manufacturers did not show the slightest interest in the German scheme. Henry Ford said, "If someone else can make better and cheaper cars than I, it serves me right."
What is most significant about the entire project is that Hitler did not really care if the car ever went into production. The Volkswagen was a political device, a sop to his public, whose support he desperately needed for his military adventures. There is proof of this. Two months before the cornerstone ceremony, he had annexed Austria. Two days after the ceremony he signed the orders for the invasion of Czechoslovakia, and eleven months after that, the Nazi hammer fell on Poland. The German people marched behind Hitler. The Volkswagen, a propaganda tool and unfulfilled promise, was forgotten. Marooned at Wolfsburg were the American technicians and their families.
With the war fully under way, the now completed factory at Wolfsburg was called upon to produce a military vehicle. Porsche redesigned the Volkswagen, enlarging the engine, strengthening the transmission and suspension, and using an open four-seater body. Except for the rear engine it was not unlike the American Jeep. The great advantage of the wartime VW was its weight of only 1,100 pounds and two men could stand it on its wheels if it overturned. It served on all fronts - the mud in Poland; the freezing winters of Russia; the hot sands of Africa. Field Marshal Rommel once pointed out that a Volkswagen would operate where a camel bogged down! A special model of the car was amphibious. With a propeller and rudder added it swam at 15 miles per hour, with a steady 50 miles per hour available on the roads.
It was only after the war that the V W finally fulfilled Hitler's promise, but on a world-wide basis. The Wolfsburg plant was located in the British zone of occupation and became a repair depot. Hundreds of workers and refugees came there for jobs, and the British authorities put them to work just to keep them busy. Using the discovered blueprints, they put the Volkswagen into production. That was in 1946, thirteen years after Hitler's promise. But this time it was really for the people. The cars went on sale, first in Germany, then throughout Europe.
In 1948, the British appointed Dr. Ing. Heinz Nordhoff, a former designer for BMW, as director of the Volkswagen. He began his job with a statement of policy. Remembering the history of the car under Hitler, he said, "The future begins when you cut every tie with the past." Nordhoff remained in charge when the plant was given to the West German government. It prospered. Production went up beyond all expectations, and by 1955 over one million cars had been made. That was the first time in European automobile history that a single car had passed the magic million mark. Nordhoff then established one of the largest service organizations in the world. With replacement parts and service available, the little Volkswagen began to be seen everywhere.
It was seen under exceptional circumstances recently, in California. A service man missed a driveway on a large estate and drove the car into the swimming pool. When the owner dashed out to see what the commotion was all about, he discovered the little beetle-bodied car serenely bobbing on the waves. A Volkswagen will even float!
excerpt from
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
LOVE BUGS Valentine's Day Bug Out/Family Day
Love is in the air and the BatFolks proved that the original love car is is still the Beetle! Last Valentine's Day, the BatBoys and BatGirls hit the road to the Tagaytay Picnic Grove with their love ones (wives, kids, girlfriends, friends) and had fun with exciting games and a raffle.
Although they're late on schedule there is the passion and excitement to feel the open, long and winding road from Lemery to Tagaytay. The group had a stop over at Fantasy World in Brgy. Mayasang, Lemery where they had a blitzkreig photo shoot.

The group from Batangas City and Lipa City met at SAHARA Shell in Barrio Malinis, Lemery, Batangas.

The group got to Tagaytay City without hassles or whatever that will hinder them from having a good time at the city.
Egay won the raffle for a VW shirt. Dan and his wife Marie won the "egg-breaking" contest for couples. The girls and boys enjoyed the "Bring-Me Game" and the breathtaking "Happy Valentines Contest". Adrian Kalaw was awarded with his 100 Point badge, an award for active members who eraned points through joining bug runs and attending meetings.

There were 19 members who drove their bugs for this run:
- Clark Apuntar
- Onin Apuntar
- Tato Abarentos
- Dante Austria
- Robin Diaz
- Billy Villanueva
- Chona Zara
- Liza Rosales
- Egup Rosales
- Bhoy Frane
- Tito Esplago
- Malou Elefante
- Egay Latag
- Freddie Kalaw
- Adrian Kalaw
- Michael Medina
- Kiko Salazar
- Gilbert Palencia
- Joel Alili
Thanks Tato for the pictures...
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Bug Run to BeetleCab VW Car Show
Last January 31, 2009 the BatFolks held a bug run to Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija. They attended VWCP-Nueva Ecija’s first major activity… Moto Mania Beetle Edition. The venue is 245 kilometers from Lipa Batangas.
The BatFolks met at Rico Shell Gas Station in Lipa City. First to arrive at the meeting point are the boys from Batangas City, they are Arnold Areelano, Egup Rosales and Noods Lontok. They were there as early as 1:00AM! Next to arrive at 1:15AM is Clark Apuntar followed by Big Man Tito Esplago. Engr. Onin came in after 15 minutes. Early Bug Runners…. Then followed by Tato Abarentos, Billy Villanueva, Malou Elefante, Freddie Kalaw, Edwin Besares and Robin Diaz. The bug runners left Lipa By 3:30AM.

The BatFolks met at Rico Shell Gas Station in Lipa City. First to arrive at the meeting point are the boys from Batangas City, they are Arnold Areelano, Egup Rosales and Noods Lontok. They were there as early as 1:00AM! Next to arrive at 1:15AM is Clark Apuntar followed by Big Man Tito Esplago. Engr. Onin came in after 15 minutes. Early Bug Runners…. Then followed by Tato Abarentos, Billy Villanueva, Malou Elefante, Freddie Kalaw, Edwin Besares and Robin Diaz. The bug runners left Lipa By 3:30AM.

They had a stop over at Shell NLEX to have breakfast and share stories of their run.

They touched the venue by 8:30AM. And they were the first guests to arrive! VWCP Nueva Ecija President wecomed the group. The BatFolks had a quick rest and was set to roam the show grounds. Admin Dan Austria came to the show too! But instead of VW, he went there by a Bus... a Baliwag Bus! The boys were obliged to have a photo session with the girls of Nueva Ecija. They obliged to have their photos taken with the ladies to show that they are real gentlemen.Migs Castillo came late with his pristine '67 bug named Bunog. Bunog was BatVOLKS' entry to the show. 

By 5PM the guys went home via the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX). And it was fun driving there. They had a short stop over at a gasoline station at NLEX on their way.

They learned from Migs that Bunog won Best in interior and Best in Vintage Entertaiment.
Below is a link for the video production from Beetle Cab featuring the attendees of the show. But in the video, the BatFolks are every where! The FAMILY BUS: 1972 Deluxe Kombi
Clark and his fiancée Fina have been together for five years now. And also have a love affair with vintage air-cooled Volkswagens. The couple owns a 1968 Econo Beetle named Bacchus, which they use as their main transportation on a daily basis and special occasions. Their passion for air-cooled VWs also transcends to their choice of their soon to be family car. Fina wants a big and spacious family car. Something that will be easy to maintain and troubleshoot. As expected, that “family car” should also be an air-cooled VW… a Type II Bus… a Kombi.
They searched around Batangas, asked every VW enthusiast they know and searched for that “family car” in the internet. Clark searched VWCPs official forum/website and looked for Kombis for sale. He found one and thought that the search was over. He found an orange Kombi (what a coincidence: orange is Clark’s favorite color and Bacchus’ paint is orange). But during that time, Clark is expecting for a sum of money from his work which he will use to purchase the orange bus. But the money came late and the bus slipped off the couples hands. How sad.
Clark, being a die hard VW enthusiast continued the search in the Oto Resiklo (Cars for Sale) Section of He found an old post in that section of the forum. He saw nice green 1972 Deluxe Bus. An idea popped from his head, “This one is it. Green. Fina’s favorite color”. But at the end of the Green Kombi’s thread is a sad post, “Sold Already”.
Luck might not be on the couple’s side. But Clark pushed fate and luck to the limit. He tried to contact the seller if the bus was really gone. He phoned the seller for three days, but no one picks up the phone from the aside. But one morning Clark just got lucky, he had a phone conversation with the seller. The Bus was not really sold. He just said it for him to continue with the bus, but if there will be a buyer and the price is right… why not!
Four Days Clark went to Posadas, Sucat, Parañaque to see and get the bus.
The bus is perfect for the couple. It has its deluxe body trims intact. The dash knobs (headlight, interior lights, wiper, emergency lights) are also intact and correct. Complete stock seats are newly upholstered but the middle bench lost its legs. The bus sports white wall tires and was lowered a bit to give it that cool stance.
As for now. The walk through feature was sacrificed to accommodate the middle bench which now sits on a speaker/utility box and faces the rear bench, making more spaces for dining and sleeping. Clark opted to replace the old Bosch alternator which has the external voltage regulator with a brand new unit. Sweet!
The bus can now be seen on the roads and streets of Batangas. And Samantha is truly a head turner.
They searched around Batangas, asked every VW enthusiast they know and searched for that “family car” in the internet. Clark searched VWCPs official forum/website and looked for Kombis for sale. He found one and thought that the search was over. He found an orange Kombi (what a coincidence: orange is Clark’s favorite color and Bacchus’ paint is orange). But during that time, Clark is expecting for a sum of money from his work which he will use to purchase the orange bus. But the money came late and the bus slipped off the couples hands. How sad.
Clark, being a die hard VW enthusiast continued the search in the Oto Resiklo (Cars for Sale) Section of He found an old post in that section of the forum. He saw nice green 1972 Deluxe Bus. An idea popped from his head, “This one is it. Green. Fina’s favorite color”. But at the end of the Green Kombi’s thread is a sad post, “Sold Already”.
Luck might not be on the couple’s side. But Clark pushed fate and luck to the limit. He tried to contact the seller if the bus was really gone. He phoned the seller for three days, but no one picks up the phone from the aside. But one morning Clark just got lucky, he had a phone conversation with the seller. The Bus was not really sold. He just said it for him to continue with the bus, but if there will be a buyer and the price is right… why not!
Four Days Clark went to Posadas, Sucat, Parañaque to see and get the bus.
The bus is perfect for the couple. It has its deluxe body trims intact. The dash knobs (headlight, interior lights, wiper, emergency lights) are also intact and correct. Complete stock seats are newly upholstered but the middle bench lost its legs. The bus sports white wall tires and was lowered a bit to give it that cool stance.
As for now. The walk through feature was sacrificed to accommodate the middle bench which now sits on a speaker/utility box and faces the rear bench, making more spaces for dining and sleeping. Clark opted to replace the old Bosch alternator which has the external voltage regulator with a brand new unit. Sweet!
The bus can now be seen on the roads and streets of Batangas. And Samantha is truly a head turner.
One Sweet Bus...

The stock front seats.

The area behind the front seats. That walk through between those seats is blocked by the middle bench facing the rear bench.

The rear Bench...

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