Here is a short history and beginning of a strong friendship that binds us all despite our differences, roots and age!
It was during the VOLKS FEST held at Filinvest West Gate, Alabang last April 28, 2007 which was sponsored by the Volkswagen Club of the Philippines (VWCP)-Laguna Chapter when a group composed of brothers Clark and Niño Apuntar; Janno Mission with his friends Alvin and Mac; and Dan Austria. These VW folks from Batangas just tail gated with the bug runners from VWCP-Quezon without informing the latter group- all they have in mind was “JUST FOLLOW THE BUGS”. Upon arrival at the venue, VWCP-Quezon was recognized through the public announcement system. The crowd was unaware that there were also Batangueños in their fleet and who were not recognized; with this- the idea of organizing a group for Volkswagen enthusiasts from the Land of the Brave was born.
After the show, this group stopped over at Shell Gas Station in Turbina for dinner. There, they discussed the experience of their very first “bug run”. Feeling the need to be organized and recognized, they decided to meet again after a month. The day was set, on May 27, 2007 they will meet again but this time they will invite potential members who should be VW enthusiasts and VW nuts who are of good standing in their community, down-to-earth, and most of all a good friend and team player.
May 27 came as well as ten (10) VW enthusiasts from different parts of Batangas and it was a good start for the idea of forming a club. The following were present during this first meeting:
Clark Neil Apuntar >Lemery
Mark Niño Apuntar >Lemery
Renato “Tato” Abarentos >Lipa City
Adriano “Janno” Mission III >Lipa City
Ireneo “Jun” Sundiam III >Lipa City
Richard Mojares >Lipa City
Rhex Dela Cruz >Alitagtag
Alfredo “Clave” Claveria >Mataas na Kahoy
Allan Racelis >Lipa City
Dante “Dan” Austria >Sto. Tomas
The group brainstormed for a name that will best describe them as a club. They have to have a name that will distinguish them from the short-lived Batangas-based VW group that came before them. Bat Boks was suggested by Janno, a short cut for Batangas Volkswagen. Quoting Niño during that meeting, “Bat Boks. Parang tanong ‘di
ba? -Ba’t Boks? Boks eh!” (Batboks. Sounds like a question- Why Volks? Volkswagen, Nothing else!”) And the body approved the motion. Then later during that meeting, the group laid down the foundation of the newly formed Bat Volks. Objectives were set and they are as follows: a. To have an organized club of VW enthusiasts from Batangas which promotes camaraderie and humility; b. To have worthwhile activities for members; c. To interact with other groups of VW enthusiasts and; d. To reach out to the community (social responsibility). On June 9, 2007 the Batboys met with Ed Roces and Mawie Chanco of VWCP National Center for a possible affiliation. The meeting went good and both parties agreed on the conditions and requirements of forming a Chapter of the VWCP. After weekly bug runs and meetings since their first meeting, BatVolks became an official affiliate of the VWCP National Center on July 23, 2007- a holiday in Batangas (Mabini Day).
The new affiliated VWCP Batangas had its first roster of officers and members which include:
Clark Neil Apuntar- Chapter President
Allan Racelis- Chapter Vice-President
Mark Niño Apuntar- Chapter Secretary
Renato Abarentos- Chapter Treasurer
Dante Austria- Chapter Assist. Treasurer
Janno Mission- Chapter Sgt.-at-Arms
Robin Victorio Diaz
Rhex Dela Cruz
Jun Sundiam
Richard Mojares
This is the beginning of a new Club of VW enthusiasts from the Province of Batangas: Where Blades and Volkswagens Are Forged With Fire…
Ang ganda sarap talaga sa Batangas! lalo na sa Talisay,Tanauan at San Juan