I’m on a leave from work. Need to have some rest after beating the deadlines.But instead of packing up my things and head towards the beach, I focused on cleaning my garage instead. There I found an EMPI Quick Shift (QS) kit that came from my bug Bacchus when I opted to install an EMPI “Hurst-Style” Trigger Shifter.
Here I documented my quick shift installation on Sam. The QS kit includes base plate and what I call “QS mushroom”, I don’t know what it is called.

1. I uninstalled the shifter retainer and the shifter stick, but the base plate will not be removed

2. Put the QS plate over the stock shifter’s base plate

3. Remove the shifter stick’s knob and insert the stick to the “QS mushroom” and slide the “QS mushroom” until it contacts with the “stock mushroom”.

4. With the “QS mushroom” in place, install the shifter stick. Putting back the stick to its place in the shifting rod is trick because of the stick’s adapter has a locking mechanism at its ball end. Not to mention the stubborn shifter’s spring.

5. When I got the stick back to its place in the rod, I inserted the shifter retainer and installed it. When installing QS kit, you have to use longer bolts because the stock ones will not suffice because of the QS kit’s added height.

6. Install the shifter boot, don’t forget to put grease on the “QS mushroom” to reduce friction between the “QS mushroom” and the shifter’s retainer.

Well that is a quick and easy upgrade for Sam. The shifters throw is now reduced by 50% I think. It took me 20 minutes to the job, taking pictures and included.
Thanks I had the afternoon installing speakers on the door panels for that warm sound. Samantha rocks!