Arjay Mangubat and his loving wife Bheb had always wanted to have a car of their own that can transport them from point A to point B. Arjay had “japanese cars” running on his mind as their first car, but something else revs up in Bheb’s imagination- an old Volkswagen Beetle. The wife wants a bug because of it’s appeal to the public’s eyes especially the children. She wanted their car to be something not ordinary.
They asked friends who are members of the BatVolks to help them find them a Bug. Luckily there was one for sale in
After a year of cruising this bug around the
Alex Tubino of Alex VW Motorworks gave its 1600 engine a clean bill of health. The suspension received the same attention, new ball joints and tie-rod ends were fitted into the bug. A general rewiring job was also done to get rid of the spaghetti under the front hood.

The body panels were hand-beaten to make it straight. Minor body repairs were made to some panels that needs them. Bhoy, also of Alex VW Motorworks prepped the unit for paint. And Arjay himself painted it with red oxide primer giving the bug that corroded hoodride look. The paint was accented with complete polished aluminum body moldings and white fender lacings. 3-colored Wolfsburg crest adorns the front hood, telling everyone the German roots of this Brazilian Beauty.
Econo Beetle steering wheel is painted white and fitted while interior is white leather and red Swede. 185/60 R14 rubbers on flat-black painted PAWI Licenza Alloy Wheels provides the grip and driving comfort on all corners.

The bug’s name is apt for its look… it’s called The Red Devil.
Anyone who hasn't been to Resorts World yet and want to come with us. We will be going on a Tour/outing on Jan. 8, 2010. Leaving Bats. City at 3:00 p.m., pick-up Lipenos at 3:30 and Sto.Tomas folks at the Star Tollway exit at 3:40. Return trip will leave RW before midnight. Ticket: Php1,000.00 INCLUDES - Aircon Bus Transpo, Buffet Dinner, Entertainment show, Php700.00 worth of casino gaming chips and Free RWM Membership ID. Contact Medz - www.batangaschamber.com , http://batangascham.multiply.com, batangasaction.blogspot.com